Prescription drug pricing

Bringing down the high cost of medication

Prescription drug pricing

Bringing down the high cost of medication

Kaiser Permanente is deeply concerned about the burden high drug prices impose on our members and patients and on our ability to carry out our mission.

Patients, taxpayers, health care systems, and drug companies all deserve fair and reasonable solutions. It is time for a new framework for drug pricing that more effectively rewards innovation and discoveries, and also provides high-value medicines at prices patients can afford.

$1.2 billion 

Cost to U.S. health system from 2019 drug price hikes with no evidence of increased clinical value1


Is the average cost of therapy for a brand name prescription drug2

2.5x more

Prescription drug costs in the U.S. compared to other Western countries3

We’ve advocated for policies that:

The market for prescription drugs is complex and dysfunctional. We encourage policymakers to look for the root problems to help us build a prescription drug market that will be sustainable for years to come.