August 30, 2024

Kaiser Permanente and NUHW held their fifth bargaining session

Numerous proposals were discussed. No new tentative agreements were reached.

Kaiser Permanente and NUHW met on Thursday, August 29, for their fifth bargaining session. The parties discussed a range of union proposals during the morning and afternoon sessions. Morning discussion topics included:

  • Patient Management Time
  • Technology
  • Associates
  • Subcontracting
  • Staffing Committee
  • Regional Professional Practice Committee
  • Leaves of Absence
  • Distribution of Agreement and Notice to Union of New Employees

The union also delivered counterproposals on:  

  • Seniority Policies
  • Request for Temporary Reductions/Alternate Schedules/Job Sharing

Kaiser Permanente presented a counterproposal for Leaves of Absence and encouraged NUHW to submit its full economic proposal — something we also requested during the previous bargaining session held on August 20.

During the afternoon discussions, NUHW submitted new proposals — most of which are considered economic — including:

  • Preceptor Language/Differential
  • Incentive Plan Metrics
  • Education Leave
  • Bereavement Leave
  • Student Loan Repayment
  • Bilingual Differential
  • Weekend Differential
  • Cell Phone Reimbursement

Kaiser Permanente is evaluating these proposals.

No new tentative agreements were reached. Kaiser Permanente and NUHW have signed 5 tentative agreements since bargaining began on July 31.

The next in-person sessions are scheduled for September 4, September 16, September 24, and September 30.