Roasted vegetables make for a full-flavored and healthy soup.
I had 6 cups of homemade vegetable stock frozen. I also had some kale and carrots from my local farmers market. Inspired by a recipe from, I made a really rich, full-flavored soup. Roasting, then pureeing some of the vegetables is a great variation to try. Roasting the vegetables for this soup takes vegetable soup to a new level. I am looking forward to using this basic technique again. I hope you enjoy it.
To make your own vegetable stock, collect clean vegetable scraps in gallon-sized freezer bags. Store in the freezer until you have enough to make stock. Once you have about 2 gallons-worth, combine the frozen veggie scraps with about 3 quarts of water in a large pot, bring to a boil, then simmer for an hour or so. Strain, then freeze the stock if you’re not using it right away.
Servings: 4