Our members rely on every single one of us to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and communities. From technology and legislation to startups and mergers, the health care industry is changing at a rapid pace. Throughout this disruption and uncertainty, we recognize the importance of the people who power Kaiser Permanente and are committed to all our employees and to building the future of health care together.
Delivering high-quality, affordable care requires the best employees. That’s why we’re committed to fostering an inclusive environment that attracts and retains the best people, and provides a place for them to do their best work. Kaiser Permanente offers many ways to reward employees for their hard work, compassion, and dedication.
We work to foster an environment where people are valued, have an opportunity to speak up, and have a say in how the work gets done.
Affordability = high-quality health care at a price individuals and families can reasonably manage as a portion of household income.
We all have a role to play in achieving our mission, and driving quality up and cost down to a price individuals and families can afford. We’re proud that unit-based teams, known as UBTs, have launched thousands of efficiency and cost-reduction projects that are getting results for members and patients. And as a nonprofit organization, 100% of our revenue is used to deliver on our mission.
If we work together we can make health care affordable for all— so our standard of care will be available to everyone in the nation.