RFP general guidance: Project budget

For each application, two related budget documents are required:

  1. The project budget template
  2. The project budget narrative

Kaiser Permanente follows these guidelines for grantfunding opportunities:

  1. Kaiser Permanente does not generally fund capital expenditures (land acquisition, buildings, remodeling, capital maintenance or acquisition of major equipment).
  2. Kaiser Permanente will consider funding administrative/operating costs relevant to the proposed project OR indirect costs of 10 percent or less of total salaries and benefits—not both.
  3. Kaiser Permanente strongly discourages applicants from requesting funding that underwrites administrative infrastructure and/or to maintain core programs or essential staff.
    • Applicants that request more than 50 percent of salary and benefits for an individual FTE must articulate within their proposal and budget narrative if the position is a temporary position or if the organization plans to sustain the position and/or work post-grant.

Click the following for the complete Project Budget Development Document: KPCO_ApplicantBudgetDevelopmentGuidance

Click the following for a Project Budget Template: KPCO_BudgetTemplateExample