California AB-1305: Our emissions commitments and disclosures

Kaiser Permanente has historically worked to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and reduce our carbon footprint. We recognize the importance of reporting accurate information about our efforts and progress. While we make all reasonable efforts to ensure our disclosures are verified and accurate, some variation due to data availability may occur. Below you can find additional information on how we measure, verify, and disclose our emissions commitments and reduction goals.

Our carbon neutral process: calculate, offset, verify, certify, disclose

Kaiser Permanente participates in an annual certification process as outlined in The CarbonNeutral Protocol. This publicly available protocol, produced and updated annually by Climate Impact Partners, is a framework with defined requirements for corporate carbon neutral claims and CarbonNeutral® certification.


Kaiser Permanente compiles an annual enterprise emissions inventory, in line with the emissions calculation and disclosure requirements of The CarbonNeutral Protocol. Details on Kaiser Permanente’s annual emissions inventories are publicly posted to the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry.


Voluntary Carbon Offsets

In addition to investing in on-site solar panels and other technologies, Kaiser Permanente offsets to 0 (zero) all required emissions calculation categories of The CarbonNeutral Protocol through the use of carbon instruments accepted by the protocol. Kaiser Permanente works with third-party sellers to retire International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA) accredited voluntary carbon offsets to help meet our commitment to carbon neutrality.

Renewable energy credits

Kaiser Permanente purchases renewable energy credits certified by Green-e® to meet our commitment to CarbonNeutral certification, as well as our commitment to 100% renewable energy. Information on renewable energy credits purchased by Kaiser Permanente is maintained on the Climate Registry Information System, a publicly accessible database hosted by The Climate Registry.


Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory is reviewed by an accredited third-party verifier, which follows emissions inventory verification procedures (ISO 14064-3:2006(E), The Climate Registry’s General Verification Protocol, The Climate Registry’s General Reporting Protocol, The CarbonNeutral Protocol). If this process is completed successfully, the verifier provides a limited assurance assertion.


Once inventory calculation, offset, and verification is complete, Climate Impact Partners issues Kaiser Permanente a CarbonNeutral certificate.

Posted with permission from Climate Impact Partners

Information on carbon offsets retained for provided CarbonNeutral certification period

  • Offset volume purchased: 196,889 VCUs
    Seller name: Climate Impact Partners
    Registry: Verra
    Program: Verified Carbon Standard
    Project name: Reducing Gas Leakages within the Titas Gas Distribution Network in Bangladesh
    Project ID: VCS2458
    Project type: Avoidance/Emission Reduction
    Project location: Bangladesh
    Protocol/methodology: ACR Methodology for VM0026
    Verification: Per Climate Impact Partners, all credits were third-party verified.

  • Offset volume purchased: 118,495 VCUs*
    Seller name: 3Degrees Group, Inc.
    Registry: Verra Program: Verified Carbon Standard Project name: Hyundai Steel Waste Energy Cogeneration Project
    Project ID: VCS786
    Project type: Avoided Emissions
    Project location: South Korea
    Protocol/Methodology: ACM0012: Consolidated baseline methodology for GHG emissions reductions from waste energy recovery projects, Version 4.0.0
    Verification: Per Climate Impact Partners, all credits were third-party verified.

    Offset volume purchased: 41,505 VCUs*
    Seller name: 3Degrees Group, Inc.
    Registry: American Carbon Registry
    Program: American Carbon Registry
    Project name: Transformer Oil Reclamation Project
    Project ID: ACR223
    Project type: Avoided Emissions
    Project Location: Ohio
    Protocol/Methodology: Reduction in Emissions from the Recycling of Transformer Oil, Version 1
    Verification: Per Climate Impact Partners, all credits were third-party verified.
  • *Associated with “160,000 tCO2e External Partner” listed in provided CarbonNeutral certificate.


Upon completion by a third-party verification, Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory is publicly posted to the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry. For more information about how to access the data, see the “How to navigate the Climate Registry Information System” section below.  

Net zero

In 2022, Kaiser Permanente made it a goal to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030, and is aiming to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

In 2020 and 2021, Kaiser Permanente and partners conducted an analysis of our enterprisewide emissions. In line with our CarbonNeutral certification process, we analyzed as our baseline year 2019 Scope 1, Scope 2, and relevant Scope 3 emissions using the Operational Control approach under the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.

With the help of third-party analysis, we evaluated the feasibility of decarbonizing our scope 3 value chain emissions, as well as continuing to decarbonize our scope 1 and scope 2 operational emissions through clean energy and equipment. The analysis conducted in 2020 through 2021 used the process defined by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). An emission reduction task force, including key stakeholders from emission intensive operational areas, formed to take action and further develop emission reduction strategies. This has included integrating net zero progress into leadership goals as well as acting on key strategies for decarbonization, such as working with our suppliers. However, nonprofit organizations, such as Kaiser Permanente, were not eligible to join the initiative.

Monitoring our emissions is integral to gauging progress toward our net zero goal. Emissions tracking is conducted on an annual basis for scopes 1 and 2, while scope 3 tracking is conducted at least every 3 years. This systematic approach not only informs our strategic development but also underscores our commitment to transparent reporting, showcasing our dedication to measurable progress in achieving net zero goals.

Carbon net positive

At the same time that we announced our commitment to become Carbon Neutral, Kaiser Permanente announced a goal to become carbon positive by 2025. The carbon positive goal has been superseded by our commitment to net-zero emissions, encompassing a broader scope of emissions.

Anesthetic and medical gases

In line with our CarbonNeutral certification, emission-related impacts from our anesthetic and medical gases are accounted for within the operational control approach under the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard. Upon completion of third-party verification, Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory is publicly posted to the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry.

Power purchase agreements

Emission-related impacts from Kaiser Permanente’s power purchase agreements are included in Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory calculation and verification process. Upon completion of third-party verification, Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory is publicly posted to the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry.

Renewable energy

Kaiser Permanente purchases renewable energy credits certified by Green-e® to meet our commitment to CarbonNeutral certification, as well as our commitment to 100% renewable energy. Information on renewable energy credits purchased by Kaiser Permanente is publicly posted on the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry.

Solar energy and on-site solar panels

Emission-related impacts from the use of solar energy are included in Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory calculation and verification process. Upon completion of third-party verification, Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory is publicly posted to the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry.

Energy efficiency

Kaiser Permanente works with our utility providers, energy partners, and members of our staff to continuously monitor and manage our energy use. Emission-related impacts from our energy efficiency are included in Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory calculation and verification process. Upon completion of third-party verification, Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory is publicly posted to the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry.

Energy Star

Kaiser Permanente works with Energy Star to verify and periodically disclose information on our Energy Star certifications. Emission-related impacts from our energy utilization are included in Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory calculation and verification process in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol.  Upon completion of third-party verification, Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory is publicly posted to the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry

Electric vehicle “EV” charging

Emission-related impacts from EV charging are included in Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory calculation and verification process, in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol. Upon completion of third-party verification, Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory is publicly posted to the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry.

LEED and net zero building certification

Kaiser Permanente works with the U.S. Green Building Council among other green building standards organizations to achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, certifications. Kaiser Permanente works with our staff, project developers, the U.S. Green Building Council and the International Living Future Institute to track information on our net zero building projects. Emission-related impacts from the use of green building activities are included in Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory calculation and verification process, in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol. Upon completion of third-party verification, Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory is publicly posted to the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry.


Emission-related impacts from the use of microgrids are included in Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory calculation and verification process, in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol. Upon completion of third-party verification, Kaiser Permanente’s emissions inventory is publicly posted to the Climate Registry Information System, a database hosted by The Climate Registry.

Partnership and collaboration

Representatives from Kaiser Permanente participate in the National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector. Kaiser Permanente partnered with Health Care Without Harm to co-author The Path to Carbon Neutral Guide, as well as produce Catalyzing Collective Action to Decarbonize Healthcare: A Roadmap for Health Systems and MedTech Suppliers.

How to navigate the Climate Registry Information System  

  1. Navigate to the CRIS database in your web browser. Sign in if you already have an account. If you do not have an account with CRIS, you are able to create a free account using the email and password you choose. More information on CRIS, such as terms and conditions, is available on the CRIS sign-up page.  

  2. On the top banner of the homepage titled “Climate Registry Information System (CRIS)”, select “Review and Analyze,” then select “Verified Reports” from the drop-down menu.  

  3. From the “Verified Reports” webpage, search and select “Kaiser Permanente” from the Entity Name Search field. Alternatively, select Kaiser Permanente from the Entity drop-down menu. From the Emissions Year drop-down menu, select the emissions year for which you wish to see data.  

  4. Once you have configured the above on the “Verified Reports” webpage, you can review publicly posted emissions reports and supporting documentation for the year you selected.

    Emissions Reports: To review emissions reports, follow steps 1 through 4 and then select “Reports”. In the settings under “Public Reports,” note that “Region” should be set as “Global” or “North America.” Kaiser Permanente Emissions reports are available at the “Summary” and “Detail (Public)” level of detail. Organizational Boundary should be set as “Control” as Kaiser Permanente follows the Operational Control approach in line with the CarbonNeutral Protocol. Once you have calibrated the Reports Settings for Kaiser Permanente for the desired year, select “View report.” Scroll down the page to view the report once it has loaded. 

    Supporting Documents and Supplementary Forms: To review supporting documentation, follow steps 1 through 4 and then select “Supporting Documents.” From the list of available documents, select the document(s) you wish to review and then click “View document.” Scroll down the webpage to view the supporting document once it has loaded. If you wish to review Kaiser Permanente’s supplementing forms, select which form you would like to view under “Supplementing Forms” and then select “Show Form.” Scroll down the webpage to view the form once it has loaded.